Learning Approach

Adaptability is a skill one can acquire by understanding the importance of learning, unlearning, and relearning. Our adaptability and response to a situation brings out our inherent potential and ability to achieve what we are destined to in the journey of life.
SARVAM is a place for identifying and developing the inherent potential of each child. The process and approach that we take of learning is as important as the content. Learning can take place in many ways. The extent to which students retain what they learn depends on the approach taken to their learning.
Health is the basis for all aspects of life for children as well as the human beings that contribute to the development and education of children. Good health and wellness can be achieved through enlivening Consciousness. Our approach uses Ayurveda and Yoga in education and entwines Consciousness and Wellness across all areas of the curriculum MAAPM - Motor Skills, A - Academics, A - Arts and P - Personality.
Play is a central activity of childhood and has a place at all levels of learning. It is seen as central to preschool education and is crucial in enabling the child to develop and learn physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. It does not just take care of cognitive development but is also important for the overall development of the child. We follow a simple rule in our school - "Avoid compulsion and let early education be a manner of amusement".
At SARVAM, Montessori and Multiple Intelligence Approaches also contribute to the foundations of Formal Academic Learning in the early and primary years.
Howard Gardner challenges traditional, narrower views of intelligence. Some of the important points from his Multiple Intelligence theory that play a significant role in framing a holistic curriculum are inspired by him.
Montessori approach for preschool education developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural psychological, physical, and social development.
We look at teachers and parents as the first holders and containers of knowledge. Hence, we insist that they also have an intention to keep developing a healthy balance between their mind, body, heart, and inner self. For only the parent and teacher with sound mind, health, body, and spirit can impart education in the purest of ways.


We know that ‘Ayurveda and Yoga’ the sciences of self-realization and self-healing can help us achieve our highest potential. Proceeding on those lines, what better way to do this than to impart the deep-rooted knowledge and secrets of Ayurveda and Yoga to Children at a very early age.
“Wellness is the foundation for a beautiful life and peaceful living”. Swati Morzaria
In recent decades, Ayurveda and Yoga have been revisited with a scientific approach and have been put through the rigors of the scientific lens. They work very well when adapted to modern times. Our Consciousness and Wellness Focused Education approach to education entwines Wellness in the curriculum right from Kindergarten. We integrate the concepts of wellness that will sow the seeds of health in children. Our teachers are trained on the same concepts to impart them to children with love.

Motor Skills

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity." - John F. Kennedy
YOGA Promotes a more relaxed, comfortable state of being - A harmonious environment for teaching and learning. Yoga also helps to create an atmosphere of confidence, enthusiasm, and non-competitiveness where everyone can succeed


"Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given to us by education." - Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile
Academic performance in a preschool is a student's self-motivation; self-efficiency and his/her power to cope with the study environment in the later years.
Formal Education cannot be achieved by just the play way method. Hence it is crucial to have the right amount of Formal learning processes at this stage. We go with the fundamental belief that a child's early years from birth to six are the period when they have the greatest capacity to learn and understand Language, Math and Science and Technology.


"The greatest Artist is the Simplifier." – Vincent Van Gogh
Arts are unique and powerful form of expression, in which a student explores, refines, and communicates ideas, thoughts and feelings. Art education has taken a very vital place in school education. Arts enable a student to act, to do things, to make mistakes, to explore and search for answers. No other educational medium offers the same kind of opportunity. Development of compassion and empathy through arts bridges gaps across different cultures that lead to a respect for other cultures at an early age. Arts complete academics.
"Where words fail, music speaks." - Hans Christian Andersen
Music is a part of our society and a part of all communities. Through Music Children learn to work in teams, are harmonious, communicate better and have high levels of self-esteem, creative thinking, calmer attitudes, and imagination, discipline, and study skills.
"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way." - Wayne Dyer
Dancing increases brain power and improves a child's mental sharpness and agility and attention span. The practice of dance can reduce stress, improves mental well-being, and gives an outlet for self-expression.
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden." - Thomas Jefferson
Environment protection is now an imperative. Fuel and water conservation, reforestation, recycling, and organic approaches to horticulture, even at the micro level of the school back yard and the home food garden are important areas in our curriculum. Understanding that one is responsible for the growth or decline of the plants in the garden allows him/her to see the results of being responsible, protective, gentle, and self-confident. Planting and tending also improves literacy and numeracy skills as well as hands on experimentation with scientific principles.

Personality Development

"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression." - Dr. Hiam Ginnot
Life skills training at SARVAM awareness of self, psychosocial and interpersonal skills that that help build empathy. Empathy is one of the first qualities that we work on. Being empathetic helps children solve problems at their level, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, be kind to others, and cope with managing their activities in a healthy and productive manner. Through Practical activities, reiteration and reinforcement we help them apply the skills acquired in day-to-day life.

Inclusive Education

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Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education has always been a topic close to our heart and ideals. At SARVAM learning difficulties and individual differences are addressed with special one on one teaching. It is a systematically monitored arrangement that uses the inclusive class room ideology. Identification of the learning difficulty is considered the most vital hurdle that needs to be tackled. We hope to live up to the equal opportunity scenario envisioned at SARVAM.


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Parent Toddler Programme

Our one-of-a-kind Parent Toddler Programme makes the first time at school for your child an unforgettable experience. In this course we welcome parents and even grandparents of the child to be part of their school life. This Programme helps calm down any concern that either the parent or the child may have. It provides a bridge to ease out the separation anxiety felt by children who are first time school goers. The curriculum provides activities and course material that enhances the sitting tolerance, motor skills and communication skills of the child.


Our Toddler programme is based on extensive research of early Childhood Education & Child Development. Toddlers explore their rich classroom environment, building speech, language skills, practical life skills, fine & gross motor skills. The curriculum provides the essential components of what every child should know and learn during their first 12 months of schooling. The focus is on physical and social development required for the child and development of their speaking and listening skills. Each child's need is considered to ensure age-appropriate progress. This helps them be better prepared for their progression to Kindergarten.
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SARVAM School,Best preschool in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best inclusive school in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best therapy centre for children with special needs,Best school in electronic city Bangalore,Best therapy centre for children in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,school in electronic city bangalore,sarvam school electronic city,sarvam school bangalore.


The program encourages children's interest in learning . It recognises the uniqueness of each child and helps nurture in them the eagerness to learn. The aim is to foster love for learning from an early age. The curriculum is designed with an emphasis on importance of preschool learning in laying the foundation for future. It reflects SARVAM standards and incorporates Motor Skills, Language, Arts, Numeracy and Life Skills. The central aim is to close the gap in children's preparedness for formal education to grade one.

Primary School

Grade 1 & 2

SARVAM School is taking a small step but a giant leap from Preschool to Primary Education by starting Grade 1 & 2 from Academic Year 2018-19. Our Primary School curriculum is in line with CBSE and ICSE.
SARVAM School,Best preschool in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best inclusive school in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best therapy centre for children with special needs,Best school in electronic city Bangalore,Best therapy centre for children in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,school in electronic city bangalore,sarvam school electronic city,sarvam school bangalore.
SARVAM School,Best preschool in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best inclusive school in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best therapy centre for children with special needs,Best school in electronic city Bangalore,Best therapy centre for children in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,school in electronic city bangalore,sarvam school electronic city,sarvam school bangalore.

Grade 3 & 4

SARVAM School is taking another step in Primary Education by starting Grade 2 from the Academic Year 2020-21. Our Primary School curriculum is in line with CBSE and ICSE.

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