About Us

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"Excellence is not an obsession that needs to be achieved at the cost of love, compassion, care and respect. Excellence is an eventual outcome of deep love, compassion and respect." - Mahesh Natarajan
SARVAM is an organization founded by people who have a deep passion to transform the world through our unique approach to education that embraces Yoga and Ayurveda as its pedagogy. For Children to thrive in their journey of education and achieve what they are destined to, sound health is essential. Health is the basis for all aspects of life for children as well as the human beings that contribute to the development and education of children.
SARVAM as an organization believes in bringing up children in the happiest way possible, without pressure to the mind and body and doing what comes naturally. Hence, promoting Health becomes a precursor to promoting excellence in Education. We are a school that identifies and develops the inherent potential of each child. Our Consciousness and Wellness Focused approach to Education entwines Wellness in the curriculum right from Kindergarten. Education at SARVAM begins with the personal well-being of teachers, parents, and students together.
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We believe that knowledge and understanding of Ayurveda and Yoga will help in achieving balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Along with developments in other facets, Consciousness and Wellness Focused Education will help in building Education systems that will contribute to the harmonious sustainability of the planet.
Our Vision is to create conscious humans who lead a meaningful existence and contribute to the development and quality of life of humankind.


Consciousness & Wellness Focused Education
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Aurobindo - "True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become."
Aurobindo emphasizes on the people behind MAN MAKING -TEACHERS. According to him a teacher is not one who just imparts information, but one who can inspire a change in the impulses of the pupil's growing personality. What a child becomes is largely influenced by teachers and gurus. A teacher inspires and leads the student towards the field he/she is destined for. From Aurobindo, we imbibe the importance of a teacher who grooms a well-balanced human being with the right knowledge, power, love, and skills that are relevant for keeping this planet sustainable.
Rabindranath Tagore - "The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."
He stressed on 'naturalism' for framing the educational model. The extract of his philosophy is that the best learning will happen only in a natural environment along with appropriate co-curricular activities and when the learner is given freedom to learn.
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SARVAM School,Best preschool in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best inclusive school in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,Best therapy centre for children with special needs,Best school in electronic city Bangalore,Best therapy centre for children in electronic city phase 1 bangalore,school in electronic city bangalore,sarvam school electronic city,sarvam school bangalore.
Swami Vivekananda - "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in Man"
One of the Pioneers of the Modern Education System of India. According to him Education means "MAN MAKING". It is the process by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, and intellect is sharpened, because of which one can stand on one's own feet. Our methodology is based on Vivekananda's Heuristic approach towards education.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - "All that is true is always, simple, natural and life supporting."
According to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, “Enlivening Consciousness enlivens all the Laws of Nature in the awareness of the student and spontaneously gives him/her the ability to think and act according to Natural Law so that his thought, speech, action will always be in the evolutionary direction.”
Consciousness Focused Education is directed to achieve the true purpose of Education which is to make a difference in the quality of a child’s life and all those around her/him.
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For humans and humanity to thrive, different cultures and nations must continue to live in harmony and peace. We need leaders who are conscious humans and can keep the planet a harmonious haven for mankind. Leaders aren't born, they are made.
  • The mission of our Consciousness and Wellness Focused Education is to develop Core Learning Skills through methods that will empower the student to take charge of his/her Primary and Higher Education.
  • At SARVAM we believe that Consciousness and Wellness Focused Education is what will help achieve our vision.

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