Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Yoga offers tools that touch on the whole spectrum of human experience
Yoga therapy specifically applies yogic tools—postures, breathwork, meditation, & more To address an individual’s needs— physically, mentally, emotionally, & even spiritually
Yoga therapy can address a range of concerns and go beyond conditions & individual systems or parts
The yoga model of health is unique because it addresses every aspect of life rather than considering each body part or system separately.

Differing focus


  • Instruction in yoga techniques
  • General practice, often fitness-oriented
  • Limited individual adaptations
  • Community practice


  • Individual assessment, formal intake
  • Address specific concern(s)
  • Practices tailored to client goals
  • Individual empowered with self-healing
  • Therapeutic relationship, possibly in a group

How does yoga therapy work?

Biopsychosocial-spiritual methodology

  • Musculoskeletal stretching & strengthening
  • Changed neurological processing
  • Nervous system regulation

Yoga Therapy for Children

Yoga therapy is very helpful for children with special needs.
The effectiveness of Yoga in improving general and specific health conditions of children with Special Needs is understated and little known. There is a whole world of possibilities that exist in this age-old practice which is applicable therapeutically for neurodiverse conditions.
Yoga is a complete system of human development. It is very helpful for children with special needs. The unifying aspect of Yoga and the areas of physiology Yoga can impact make it a compelling choice as a Consciousness based system to improve overall functioning in children with special needs.
Yoga practices have several benefits including neurocognitive, psychophysiological, respiratory, biochemical and metabolic functions (Saoji, Raghavendra, & Manjunath, 2019). It is said to promote holistic health of body and mind.
Yoga has been shown to improve sleep, and mental conditions like anxiety and depression which many children with special needs struggle with (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2019).
We at SARVAM, have extensive experience in offering Yoga Therapy for children with special needs. We offer group as well as one on one Yoga therapy.

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